Listed here are Web Site
we think you might enjoy!   
Emeryville Taiko
Emeryville Taiko was first formed
by Master Seiichi Tanaka as the
Oakland Children's Group in
1980.  It has since splintered
off and is run by the Lead
Instructor, Susan Horn.
Susan Horn was a student of
Master Seiichi Tanaka for
fifteen years.
Sonoma County Taiko
Sonoma County Taiko was formed in
1995 and they want to "Learn, Share,
and Promote Taiko as a Cultural Art
San Francisco Taiko Dojo
San Francisco Taiko Dojo was
founded in approximately 1968 by
Grand Master
Seiichi Tanaka and is one of the oldest
in California.
San Jose Taiko  
San Jose Taiko is the oldest
professional group in the Western
World and was
formed in 1973
Lead by P.J. and Roy Hirabayashi.
Wadaiko Newark Taiko Group
Grass Valley
The Grass Valley Web Site has pictures
of the 2008 Taiko Camp in the Sierra
Taiko Fukui  
Taiko Fukui was founded in 2001 for
International Taiko Courses.
Members of Wadaiko Newark visited
Japan in late 2002 and was able to
take classes with Masaaki
Kurumaya-Sensei and Liz Walters. Ms
Walters lives in England but travels to
Japan to give lessons.
Sacramento Taiko Dan
Consider visiting this Web Site.
Sacramento Taiko has a "thunderous
rhythm" with "choreographed
Affects people of all ages and cultural
Kenny Endo
Kenny Endo has studied with Kinnara
Taiko of Los Angeles and closer to our
area the San Francisco Taiko Dojo. He
is the first non-Japanese national to be
honored with a stage name and
Master's Degree (natori).
Art Lee
Art Lee won First Place at the Tokyo
International Wadaiko Contest.
Wadaiko World was created by Art Lee
in 1998. Art Lee played with
Sacramento Taiko Dan.
Joji Hirota
Percussionist and Composer
Photos of Wadaiko Newark by
John O'Halloran
Copyright 2007-2014
All rights reserved.
Wadaiko Newark
Youtube film
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